Battery Japan 2019-11th Int'l Rechargeable Battery Expo
Written by newareBATTERY JAPAN is world's leading international exhibition for rechargeable battery, showcasing various components, materials, devices, finished rechargeable batteries for rechargeable battery R&D and manufacturing.
It is held twice a year in Tokyo (Feb.) and Osaka (Sep.).
Neware as one of exibitor, attend this show.
Neware booth: W17-1
Learn more, please visit:
The 10th Singapore International Chemistry Conference (SICC-10)
Written by newareThe 10th Singapore International Chemistry Conference (SICC-10) is jointly organised by the Department of Chemistry of the National University of Singapore (NUS), Division of Chemical and Biological Chemistry, School of Physical and Mathematical Sciences of Nanyang Technological University (NTU) and Singapore National Institute of Chemistry (SNIC) was held on 16 to 19 December 2018 at NUS U-Town. There were more than 500 attendees over the four (4) days. Thank you to our sponsors who also play a part to make this conference a great success.
Prof Burkhard Köenig [Universität Regensburg]
Prof Li Zhu Wu [Technical Institute of Physics and Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences]
Prof Munetaka Akita [Tokyo Institute of Technology]
Prof Chen Zhu [Soochow University]
Prof Davide Ravelli [University of Pavia, Italy]
Prof Congyang Wang [Institute of Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences]
Prof Qian Wan [Huazhong University of Science and Technology]
Prof Kuo-Wei Huang [King Abdullah University of Science and Technology]
Prof Christof Sparr [University of Basel]
Prof Mario Waser [Johannes Kepler University Linz]
Prof Qian Zhang [Northeast Normal University]
Prof Seung Hwan Cho [POSTECH]
Prof Wu Jie [National University of Singapore]