【April 8th-11th, Yinchuan, IEC/TC 108/WG HBSDT Meeting 】4-day long IEC/TC108/WG HBSDT closed at Yinchuang. This meeting was jointly hosted by China Electronics Standardization Institute and Ningxia University.

WG-HBSDT-Meeting-Neware-Battery-Tester50 experts took part in this meeting, who are from certification authorities, laboratories and associations of 15 countries, like, China, America, Germany, Britain, Canada and Japan. Neware was one of the participators and sponsors.


The helding of meeting coincided with international standard merge and revision. Standard, which was making and had an very important meaning, was related to audio, video, testing and certification of information technology and communication technology, market access, international trade etc. Various countries thought highly of this meeting held in China and this meeting was able to strengthen Chinese enterprises understand and pay attention to relevant international standard, which was good to Chinese companies get advantages at the international competition and promote the participation in international standardization activities of agencies like Chinese corporations, scientific research institutes, high schools and testing and certification bodies. China also actively joined in different standardization activities of IEC/TC108. This meeting was second organized TC108 meeting by China at nearly 10 years.

Representatives from Neware took this opportunity to know more professors, scholars, doctors etc. in this meeting. Besides, this is also a very great chance to propagandize the brand of Neware and a wonderful promoting effect of Neware’s “Hundred People Thousand Instruments”plan.